Talking To Your Parents While There is Still Time

Many clients in their 50’s and 60’s are increasingly worried about the finances of their aging parents. This is especially true when it is difficult to predict interest income on investments. They often ask: ‘How do I talk to them about their care and their finances?‘ This topic raises many sensitive family dynamics […]
What if I Can’t Look After My Affairs?

Clarke owned a small business that employed three other people besides him. He had sole signing authority on his business bank account, and personally had a joint mortgage on his home with his wife, Lois. His car was registered in his name only. Clarke was generous with gifts on special occasions and holidays for […]
Life Insurance Simplified

Life insurance, including mortgage or creditor insurance, is a key tool in your financial arsenal. This article will provide a high-level overview to help you better understand your choices when considering life insurance as part of your overall financial strategy.Life insurance, at its core, protects the standard of living of loved ones left behind after […]
Make digital assets part of your estate plan

Problems in dealing with digital property after the death of a loved are becoming all that more common given the digital age in which we live. Based on the fact that way too many Canadians don’t have an up to date will to take consideration of their financial assets; it’s even more rare to hear of individuals […]
Estate Mistakes from 4 stars that died too young
Estate planning is for everyone The goal of estate planning is to leave what you have to whom you want to at the least possible cost in terms of administration and taxes. But, no one can successfully predict how long they will live; illness and accidents can happen at any age & when least expected. […]
Dying without a will is no way to die…

Last year a friend who manages a property with 100 or so residential units told me a story that should be a lesson to the estimated 56% of Canadians who do not have a signed will. The superintendent of his property called him to tell him that he had entered the apartment of an elderly […]
What’s a GIF and what’s the diff when it comes to investing?

A GIF is a Guaranteed Investment Fund that offers long term investment growth potential with protective guarantees to help you minimize risk. They are a combination of an investment product like mutual funds which give exposure to a diversified portfolio of stocks or other assets that offer growth opportunities but include the features of an […]