Now is the Time to be Especially Wary

Uncertain economic times and rising rates of unemployment often create a new breed of desperate people. Some turn to frauds and scams as a way out of their troubles. Others become more susceptible to schemes hoping for help but instead getting bilked out of their dwindling cash reserves. Challenging times tend to bring more frauds […]

Lessons Learned From The Wealthy

Most people want to be wealthy, or at least financially independent. The sad truth is that very few people are financially independent when they reach retirement. The rest are dependent to some extent on others or government benefits for their daily money needs.   Far too many people today live a lifestyle that is under […]

These Rainy Days Aren’t About the Weather

The last year or so has been a very rude awakening for many. Too many people today are so busy living a lifestyle, they forget that emergencies may need to be dealt with.   It’s all too easy to take one’s cash flow for granted and get lulled into the belief that it will go […]

Avoid These Financial Mistakes

Managing personal finances effectively is crucial for long-term financial stability and security. However, many consumers often fall prey to common financial mistakes that can hinder their progress and lead to unnecessary stress.   By understanding these pitfalls and taking proactive steps to avoid them, individuals can make smarter financial decisions and pave the way for […]

Incorporation Now, Later or Never?

There comes a time when many (if not all), entrepreneurs wrestle with the decision of whether or not to incorporate. There can be many advantages to incorporation but it’s important to determine if all those advantages will actually benefit you and your business. Sometimes, it’s too early to incorporate. Hopefully this blog will help you […]

10 good reasons why Women need a financial plan

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The benefits of a written comprehensive financial plan are generally universal for all, but women face unique challenges that make having a financial plan more critical and working with a certified financial planner worthwhile  10 good reasons why Women need a financial plan and financial planning  Women are increasingly becoming financial decison makers  Whether single, married, divorced […]

11 financial resolutions for 2019

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The beginning of a New Year is a great time to reflect on your current situation and set your financial goals for the year ahead especially since there is a direct connection between overall financial wellness or financial peace of mind and happiness. For the record, financial peace of mind does not have to include […]

People who budget have better financial outcomes

Budgets help individuals enhance their financial well-being  Budgeting is one of the single most effective tools for money management. It’s an effective way to map out spending to help manage your money and help ensure you will have enough money for the things you really need and the things that are important. A budget or spending plan can […]

Motherly Financial Wisdom

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It’s the 2nd Mother’s Day since our Mom left us 672 days ago (I’m an accountant so I count). She was our family’s superhero for so many reasons (I can’t count). She left us after contracting a hospital infection which lead to a heartbreaking year-long journey; but that’s an entirely different story. Myself and my […]

What’s different about working with an Independent Financial Advisor?

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When you don’t know where to go for financial advice, the natural default is generally to trust a financial advisor affiliated with a bank. No question, particularly in Canada, the big banks have a long track record of providing services and security to their customers. We’re Canadian so we tend to trust banks unreservedly and […]

6 Billion reasons to get your ducks in a row

your toy rubber ducks in a row

Are your ducks in a row? We think $6 Billion in unclaimed or misplaced financial assets in Canada is a pretty good reason for Canadians to get serious about getting financially organized. If you’re not convinced, how about the $66 Billion in the US that is unclaimed despite comprehensive online data bases that exist for searching that […]

Why I moved to being fee based and independent

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I’ve worked in the best interest of clients as an accountant for 20+ years and so working with a commission only and proprietary only financial services firm presented a difficult challenge to me. It just didn’t “sync” with how I prefer to operate. It may have been more lucrative to stay where I was in […]

Sharing responsibilities for family finances makes you more attractive

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Sharing is Caring when it comes to family finance but did you know it can also make you more attractive to your spouse? Your family’s emotional & physical survival often hinges on financial stability and that makes money management & communication critical. Shared & effective communication about money matters is key in a happy marriage, […]

A rainy-day fund is good for your health

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A rainy day fund is another name for an emergency fund which helps you plan ahead and deal with unforeseen emergencies. Unforeseen emergencies will invariably come your way at some point. An emergency is a major and sudden need that’s not part of your current budget and that’s unplanned like a job loss, illness, an unexpected […]

Net Worth is Worth Tracking

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Some say Net Worth is a GOOD number to track in order to determine whether you are making financial progress. Others say it’s the ONLY number to track. What is net worth ? Net worth (also generally referred to as wealth) is one measure of an individual’s material well-being or financial success, calculated by the […]

Why Women REALLY need a financial plan

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The benefits of a written comprehensive financial plan are generally universal for all, but women face particular challenges that make having a plan that more critical. Here’s why:-Women live longer on average and that means more years in retirement.-Statistics show that women have a higher incidence of becoming either seriously ill or disabled.-It’s 2017 but […]